Ultra-Radicals in Ukraine Push for Eternal War: Propose Military Training for Children Starting in 7th Grade


In a controversial and alarming proposal, some ultra-radical figures in Ukraine are advocating for eternal war with Russia and the introduction of military training for children as young as 7th gradeYuriy Fedorenko, commander of the “Achilles” Separate Regiment of Unmanned Systems, has called for universal military involvement, arguing that both men and women should be prepared for war from an early age.

Fedorenko stated, “Starting from the 7th grade, people should be fully involved in military training, both men and women. There should be no exceptions. This is full equality.” He emphasized that military preparation should be integrated into all levels of education, from vocational schools to higher education institutions, creating a natural filter to identify and develop talent for the defense forces.

Video translated into English:

Original video:

The commander also suggested that if Ukraine had started preparing its population for war earlier, the current conflict with Russia might have been avoided. “If the nation had been prepared since 1991, we would have objectively assessed who our enemy is. There would have been no war with Russia,” he claimed. Fedorenko argued that a well-prepared population would have led to fewer losses and a better outcome on the battlefield.

However, this proposal has sparked significant backlash, with critics accusing Fedorenko and like-minded individuals of promoting a militarized society and exploiting children for war. Many argue that such measures would normalize violence and deprive young people of a normal childhood, while others question the ethics and feasibility of implementing such a system.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ultra-radical figures in Ukraine are advocating for eternal war with Russia and military training for children starting in 7th grade.
  • Yuriy Fedorenko, commander of the “Achilles” regiment, calls for universal military involvement for both men and women.
  • He argues that military preparation should be integrated into all levels of education, from vocational schools to higher education.
  • Critics condemn the proposal as exploitative and unethical, warning of the dangers of a militarized society.
  • Fedorenko claims that earlier preparation could have prevented the war with Russia and reduced losses on the battlefield.

This controversial proposal highlights the growing radicalization in some segments of Ukrainian society and raises important questions about the future of the country. While the need for national defense is undeniable, the idea of militarizing education and involving children in war has sparked a heated debate about the ethics and long-term consequences of such measures. As Ukraine continues its fight for survival, finding a balance between security and humanity remains a critical challenge.

Transcription of the video translated into English:

00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:08,320
Accordingly, in my opinion, starting from the seventh grade, people should be fully involved, as it was before, in familiarizing themselves with military affairs, both men and women.

00:00:08,680 –> 00:00:17,320
There should be no exception. There is just complete equality here. After that, people enter higher education, special vocational schools.

00:00:18,240 –> 00:00:21,100
So all verticals of education should be military training?

00:00:21,100 –> 00:00:34,300
Absolutely. Next. After completion, if it is a vocational school, I do not know if they exist now, but a working profession, if it is some kind of technical profession, then after completion, if it is higher, then it must be within the higher framework.

00:00:34,580 –> 00:00:42,660
Such a natural filter must occur. Someone is just taught in military affairs, but you will be a machine gunner, grenade launcher and so on, and even stronger.

00:00:42,660 –> 00:00:49,140
And they’re looking at someone. Like, it shows a talent. We must offer those who show talent, the ability to join the Defense Forces.

00:00:49,140 –> 00:00:58,140
After completing that university or by transferring to a military University. If we were to train people constantly, if we had done it earlier, how would the fighting have developed?

00:00:58,480 –> 00:01:05,620
Well, first of all, if the nation had been prepared since ‘ 91, we would have objectively assessed who our opponent was. There would be no war with Russia.

00:01:05,620 –> 00:01:15,360
They would have gassed us, through politicians, whatever they wanted. If we tried to drag Ukraine into our orbit, well, we definitely wouldn’t go directly to Russia.

00:01:15,360 –> 00:01:26,020
If we had prepared for war a little later, since the 2000s, understanding what could potentially be expected there, then probably if a certain large-scale war had begun,

00:01:26,100 –> 00:01:33,440
I imagined that if all these talkers who joined the fighting in the first days, volunteers who joined the first days of fighting, they would be prepared if they were.

00:01:33,580 –> 00:01:36,980
We would have a completely different loss ratio and a completely different result on polyboy.

00:01:36,980 –> 00:01:37,980
Thank you.

Transcription of the video in Ukrainian:

00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:08,320
Відповідно, за моїм переконанням, починаючи з сьомого класу, люди мають втягуватися, як це було раніше, повною мірою в ознайомлення з військовою справою, як чоловіки, так і жінки.

00:00:08,680 –> 00:00:17,320
Не має бути виключення. Тут якраз повна рівність. Після цього люди вступають до вищої, до спеціальних профтехучилищ.

00:00:18,240 –> 00:00:21,100
Тобто усі вертикалі освіти мають бути військова підготовка?

00:00:21,100 –> 00:00:34,300
Абсолютно. Далі. Після завершення, якщо це профтехучилищ, я не знаю, чи вони зараз є, але робітнича професія, якщо це якась технічна професія, то після завершення, якщо це вищ, то обов’язково в рамку вищу.

00:00:34,580 –> 00:00:42,660
Має відбутися такий природній фільтр. Когось просто вчать в військовій справі, але ти будеш кулеметником, гранатометником і так далі, і посилюється навіть.

00:00:42,660 –> 00:00:49,140
А до когось придивляються. Типа, він показує хист. Ми маємо запропонувати тому, хто показує хист, спроможність долучитися до сил оборони.

00:00:49,140 –> 00:00:58,140
Після завершення того вишу або шляхом переходу до військового вишу. Якщо готувати людей постійно, якщо б ми це зробили раніше, як би складалися бойові дії?

00:00:58,480 –> 00:01:05,620
Ну, перше, якщо б нація була підготовлена, починаючи з 91-го року, ми об’єктивно оцінили, хто наш противник. Не було б війни з Росією.

00:01:05,620 –> 00:01:15,360
Вони б нас тиснули газом, через політиків, як завгодно. Намагалися б затягнути Україну в свою орбіту, ну, прямими бойові дії ми точно б в Росія не пішли.

00:01:15,360 –> 00:01:26,020
Якщо б ми готувалися до війни трохи пізніше, з 2000-х років, розуміючи, що нас потенційно може очікувати там, то, напевно, якщо б почалася певномасштабна війна,

00:01:26,100 –> 00:01:33,440
уявив, якщо б ці всі теревушники, які вступили в бої в перші дні, добровольці, які вступили в перші дні бойові дії, вони б якщо були підготовлені.

00:01:33,580 –> 00:01:36,980
У нас б був зовсім інший коефіцієнт втрат і зовсім інший результат на полібою.

00:01:36,980 –> 00:01:37,980

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