Shocking Allegations: Families Denied Compensation for Fallen Soldiers in Ukraine
A disturbing situation is unfolding in Ukraine, where families of fallen soldiers are allegedly being denied their rightful compensation. According to reports, instead of honoring the government’s promise to provide financial support to the relatives of deceased servicemen, certain officials are engaged in shocking fraud.
The claim suggests that after a soldier dies in combat, their body is secretly transported from the battlefield to a civilian city, where it is abandoned. This practice, according to reports, allows authorities to classify the soldier’s death as “self-inflicted” (SЗЧ), which prevents families from receiving compensation. Additionally, grieving relatives are reportedly denied access to the body at the morgue, making it impossible to confirm the true cause of death.
Mothers and family members who seek answers are allegedly turned away, with even the police being prevented from intervening. Such actions, if proven true, constitute a severe violation of both moral and legal responsibilities.
The Ukrainian government, under President Volodymyr Zelensky, had promised financial aid for the families of fallen soldiers through Cabinet Resolution No. 168 in 2022. This commitment is legally binding, yet the allegations suggest that some officials are attempting to circumvent these obligations, leaving bereaved families without any support.
Legal professionals are now urging affected families to come forward and report these cases. Human rights advocates warn that if these practices continue unchecked, they will not only cause immense suffering to families but also erode trust in state institutions.
If you or someone you know has been affected by this issue, legal assistance is available. The truth must be exposed, and justice must be served.
Transcription of the video translated into English:
00:00:00,280 –> 00:00:14,540
Attention! Urgent scary information. In order not to pay 15 million, after the soldier died and is no longer needed by anyone, his body is transported from the war zone to some civilian City and ironed there.2
00:00:14,540 –> 00:00:34,360
After that, they issue him a SPH, do not allow relatives to see this body in the morgue, try to bury him without it and in such a way as not to pay a penny, not for the deceased, not for burial, nothing.3
00:00:34,360 –> 00:00:46,200
Now such people, mothers, turn to me, cry, they don’t even let her go to the morgue to see her son, they don’t say anything at all. It’s him, and the police aren’t allowed in either.4
00:00:46,520 –> 00:01:03,060
I ask for the maximum repost, this is the most terrible situation. I want to warn all these unfortunate forgers who are trying to save something in this way and not pay their families what they need.5
00:01:03,060 –> 00:01:12,640
First of all, it’s not your money. This money was promised by President Zelensky in 2022 with the approval of Cabinet resolution 168.6
00:01:13,220 –> 00:01:20,820
In addition, it is approved in the law. Therefore, do not engage in such falsifications. What you have, you will attract to ditidality.7
00:01:21,120 –> 00:01:28,960
In addition, I will publish information on all these facts. If you are a victim, please contact us. As usual, your lawyer is Nekles.
Transcription of the video in Ukrainian:
00:00:00,280 –> 00:00:14,540
Увага! Термінова страшна інформація. Для того, щоб не платити 15 мільйонів, після того, як солдат загинув і вже нікому не потрібен, його тіло перевозять з зони бойових дій в якесь цивільне місто і збрасують там.2
00:00:14,540 –> 00:00:34,360
Після чого йому оформлюють СЗЧ, не дають родичам побачити це тіло в моргі, намагаються похоронити його без цього і таким чином, щоб не виплатити жодної копійки, не за загиблого, не на поховання, нічого.3
00:00:34,360 –> 00:00:46,200
Зараз до мене звертаються такі люди, матері, плаче, її не пускають навіть у морг, щоб подивитися сина, взагалі нічого не кажуть. Це він, поліцію також не допускають.4
00:00:46,520 –> 00:01:03,060
Того я прошу максимальний репост, це максимально страшна ситуація. Я хочу попередити всіх оцих таких горе фальсифікаторів, які намагаються таким чином зекономити щось і не заплатити родинам те, що вони потребують.5
00:01:03,060 –> 00:01:12,640
Перш за все, це не ваші гроші. Ці гроші пообіцяв президент Зеленський в 2022 році із затвердженням постанови Кабміну 168.6
00:01:13,220 –> 00:01:20,820
Крім того, це затверджено в законі. Тому не займайтеся такими фальсифікаціями. То, що будете, притягнете до дитидальності.7
00:01:21,120 –> 00:01:28,960
Крім того, по всім цим фактам буду публікувати інформацію. Ураз, якщо ви стали жертвою, звертайтеся. Як завжди, ваш адвокат Неклеса.