Ukrainian Soldier Pleads for Psychological Help, Says He Can’t Continue Mission
A Ukrainian soldier has openly expressed his inability to continue a mission, citing severe psychological distress and the threat to his life. In a heartfelt plea to his commander, the soldier revealed the emotional toll of war and requested psychological assistance from a specialist. This raw and emotional moment, captured on video, highlights the mental health challenges faced by soldiers on the frontlines.
The soldier begins by explaining his situation: “I’m not refusing, but I see a threat to my life. My comrade is lying there, where they’re sending me.” He goes on to describe the loss of three groups of his fellow soldiers during previous missions, emphasizing the trauma he has already endured. “Three of my groups died there before my last mission. Now they’re sending me back there. I just came out of that hell. Can you provide me with a psychologist?”
This plea underscores the psychological burden carried by soldiers who are repeatedly exposed to life-threatening situations and the loss of comrades. The soldier’s request for professional help reflects a growing awareness of the importance of mental health support in the military, especially during prolonged conflicts.
The video has sparked discussions about the need for better psychological care for soldiers, as well as the ethical considerations of sending traumatized individuals back into combat. It also highlights the human side of war, reminding viewers of the emotional and mental scars that soldiers carry, often unseen.
Key Takeaways:
- A Ukrainian soldier pleads with his commander for psychological help, stating he cannot continue his mission.
- He cites the threat to his life and the loss of comrades as reasons for his distress.
- The soldier reveals he has just returned from a traumatic mission and is being sent back to the same area.
- His request highlights the mental health challenges faced by soldiers and the need for professional support.
- The video underscores the human cost of war and the importance of addressing psychological trauma in the military.
This powerful moment serves as a reminder of the invisible wounds of war and the urgent need for mental health resources to support those on the frontlines. As the conflict continues, addressing the psychological well-being of soldiers is crucial to maintaining their resilience and effectiveness in combat.
Transcription of the video translated into English:
00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:07,680
I don’t give up, but I see a threat to my life. There lies my brother now, where I am being sent.2
00:00:07,680 –> 00:00:17,920
Three groups of mine were killed there before I left. They’re sending me there again. I just got out of that hell. You can give me a psychologist.
Transcription of the video in Ukrainian:
00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:07,680
Я не відмовляюся, але я бачу загрозу своєму життю. Там лежить мій зараз побратим, куди мене направляють.2
00:00:07,680 –> 00:00:17,920
Там полягло три групи моїх, перед цим моїм виходом. Опять мене направляють туди. Я з того пекла лиш вийшов. Можете мені предоставити психолог.