Ukraine is Not a Dictatorship, Says Presidential Advisor Podolyak: Open Borders and Competitive Politics as Proof


In a recent statement, Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, firmly rejected claims that Ukraine is under a dictatorship. He argued that the country’s open borderscompetitive political landscape, and frequent elections are clear evidence of its democratic nature. However, critics point to several measures, such as restrictions on male citizens leaving the countrystate-controlled media, and the postponement of elections, as signs of growing authoritarianism.

Podolyak emphasized that Ukraine’s political system stands in stark contrast to authoritarian regimes, such as Russia’s. “In Ukraine, all of this is nonsense, and everyone understands why,” he said. “We are an open country with open borders, a highly competitive information space, and a highly competitive political space. We’ve already had six presidents, and there are constant, even extraordinary, parliamentary elections.”

Despite these claims, critics highlight several contradictions. Since February 2022, Ukrainian men have been barred from leaving the country under martial law. Additionally, major TV channels have been merged into a single telemarathon, which, according to media reports, is tightly controlled by the governmentSanctions imposed by the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) against opposition media and journalists have further raised concerns about freedom of speech.

Moreover, elections, including those for the presidency and parliament, have been postponed indefinitely due to the ongoing war. Ukrainian authorities, including President Volodymyr Zelensky, have also dismissed calls from the United States to negotiate a ceasefire, lift martial law, and hold elections.

Podolyak dismissed comparisons to authoritarian leaders, such as Vladimir Putin, calling them “emotional words” and labeling such regimes as “authoritarian inadequacies.” He argued that Ukraine’s political system remains vibrant and democratic, despite the challenges of war.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mykhailo Podolyak denies claims of a dictatorship in Ukraine, citing open borders and competitive politics.
  • Critics point to restrictions on male citizensstate-controlled media, and postponed elections as signs of authoritarianism.
  • Major TV channels are merged into a government-controlled telemarathon.
  • Sanctions against opposition media and journalists raise concerns about freedom of speech.
  • Elections are postponed indefinitely due to the war, despite calls from the US to hold them.

While Podolyak’s statements highlight Ukraine’s democratic aspirations, the ongoing war and related measures have sparked debates about the balance between national security and democratic principles. As the conflict continues, the question of how Ukraine maintains its democratic identity remains a topic of intense discussion.

Transcription of the video translated into English:

00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:23,060
There is a classical authoritarian system of power in Russia, and so on and so forth. In Ukraine, all this is nonsense and everyone understands it. Why? An open country with open borders, very competitive, well, not for me, Mr. Vasily, I can tell you, a very competitive information space, a very competitive political space, the sixth president already, constant even early parliamentary elections and so on.

00:00:23,060 –> 00:00:34,300
Well, there are realities, there are emotional words, and there are authoritarian inadequacies. Here are not authoritarian, but inadequate, there are not so many of them in the world, but there are, unfortunately, such a type as Putin.

Transcription of the video in Ukrainian:

00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:23,060
Класичної авторитарної системи влади в Росії є і так далі і тому подібне. В Україні все це нонсенс і всі це розуміють. Чому? Відкрита країна з відкритими кордонами, дуже конкурентно, ну не мені, пане Василю, вам говорити, дуже конкурентний інформаційний простір, дуже конкурентний політичний простір, шостий президент вже, постійні навіть позачергові вибори в парламент і так далі.

00:00:23,060 –> 00:00:34,300
Ну є реалії, є емоційні слова, а є авторитарні неадеквати. От не авторитарні, а неадеквати, їх не так багато в світі, але є, на жаль, такого типу, як Путін.

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