Yevhen Dikiy, Ukrainian Propagandist, Advocates Harsh Punishment for Those Opposing Mobilization, Calls It ‘Treason’

Yevhen Dikiy, Ukrainian Propagandist, Advocates Harsh Punishment for Those Opposing Mobilization, Calls It ‘Treason’
Yevhen Dikiy, Ukrainian Propagandist, Advocates Harsh Punishment for Those Opposing Mobilization, Calls It ‘Treason’

Yevhen Dikiy, a prominent Ukrainian propagandist known for his pro-government rhetoric, has called for severe punishment against individuals who resist the forced mobilization of Ukrainian men. In a controversial statement, he labeled such actions as “treason” and urged the government to take drastic measures to enforce compliance.

Dikiy argued that opposition to mobilization constitutes a threat to national security, especially during wartime. “There is no other side to this issue. This is treason, pure and simple. And I mean this in a strictly legal sense,” he stated. He criticized the current handling of such cases, particularly the decision to charge individuals with hooliganism rather than treason“The fact that a criminal case has been opened under the article of hooliganism is, unfortunately, a sign of the government’s weakness,” he said.

He further accused the authorities of incompetence and weakness in managing the mobilization process, claiming that their failure to act decisively poses a real threat to the state“This weakness and incompetence are the worst possible response during a war. It creates a real danger for the country,” he added.

Dikiy cited a recent incident in Kosmach as an example, where individuals allegedly attempted to resist the Territorial Recruitment Centers (TCC). He argued that their actions should be classified as treason under Article 411 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which deals with state betrayal“During wartime, this is treason. That should be the main focus of the investigation,” he emphasized.

He called for exemplary punishments to deter others from similar actions. “All these people should at least be detained during the investigation. The entire village should be sent to a pre-trial detention center. There must be an investigation and an open trial under Article 411, with exemplary sentences,” he declared. He warned that without strict measures, such incidents would only increase. “If they keep hesitating and being soft, we will see more and more of these cases,” he said.

Dikiy also expressed concern that if the civilian government fails to act decisively, the military might step in to resolve the issue. “Believe me, the army will solve the problem. But I really wouldn’t want Kosmach to be cleared the way enemy territories are cleared,” he added, hinting at the potential for violent crackdowns.

His remarks have sparked controversy, with critics accusing him of advocating for authoritarian measures and human rights violations. Supporters, however, argue that strict enforcement is necessary to maintain order and national security during the ongoing conflict.

This statement highlights the growing tensions surrounding Ukraine’s mobilization efforts and the ethical dilemmas of enforcing wartime policies. As the war continues, the debate over individual rights versus state security remains a contentious issue.

Transcription of the video translated into English:

00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:09,020
And before that, here. And on the other side? No, there’s no other side. There is high treason here. There is exactly one here. And in this case, I am in a purely legal sense.

00:00:09,460 –> 00:00:15,900
And the fact that a criminal case has now been opened there under the article hooliganism, unfortunately, is a weakness of the authorities.

00:00:15,900 –> 00:00:23,700
Unfortunately, this is from the same series that in general, the authorities in a situation with mobilization demonstrate the worst that can happen during a war.

00:00:24,040 –> 00:00:28,120
Weakness and incompetence. And this already creates a real threat to the state.

00:00:28,120 –> 00:00:36,840
Here is an example of Kosmach. Excuse me, there hooligan actions were an accompanying part of the crime.

00:00:36,840 –> 00:00:44,320
And the main crime was that these people came out with the intention of resisting the actions of the shopping center by force.

00:00:44,800 –> 00:00:51,880
In wartime, sorry, this is 411, this is high treason. And it is under this article that the main investigation should be conducted.

00:00:51,880 –> 00:00:59,160
Here is the Central Crime, 411, high treason, Plus violence against innocent people.

00:00:59,640 –> 00:01:03,780
And so all these people should now be at least detained for the duration of the investigation.

00:01:04,160 –> 00:01:12,820
That’s exactly the whole village to go to the pre-trial detention center. There must be an investigation. And a 411 trial should be opened with exemplary sentences.

00:01:12,820 –> 00:01:15,900
And then, believe me, we will not see such cases again.

00:01:16,300 –> 00:01:21,800
But if there are now chewing, sorry, snot, then we will see more and more such cases.

00:01:22,180 –> 00:01:29,280
And then, excuse me, but the civilian authorities, like you, will throw up their hands and say, Well, the army will solve the problem.

00:01:29,940 –> 00:01:36,000
Believe me, the army will decide. But I would very much not like kosmach to be cleaned up as enemy territories are cleaned up.

Transcription of the video in Ukrainian:

00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:09,020
І до цього от. А з іншого боку? Ні, тут немає іншого боку. Тут є державна зрада. Тут є саме. Причому я в даному разі в суто в юридичному сенсі.

00:00:09,460 –> 00:00:15,900
І те, що там наразі порушено кримінальну справу за статтею хуліганства, на жаль, це слабкість влади.

00:00:15,900 –> 00:00:23,700
На жаль, це з тої ж серії, що взагалі влада в ситуації з мобілізацією демонструє найгірше, що може бути під час війни.

00:00:24,040 –> 00:00:28,120
Слабкість та некомпетентність. І це вже створює реальну загрозу для держави.

00:00:28,120 –> 00:00:36,840
От Космач приклад. Вибачте мене, там хуліганські дії були супровідним складом злочину.

00:00:36,840 –> 00:00:44,320
А основним складом злочину було те, що ці люди вийшли з наміром чинити силовий опір діям ТЦК.

00:00:44,800 –> 00:00:51,880
У військовий час, вибачте, це 411, це державна зрада. І саме по тій статті має бути основне розслідування.

00:00:51,880 –> 00:00:59,160
Тут центральний злочин, 411, державна зрада, а плюс ще й насилля проти невинних людей.

00:00:59,640 –> 00:01:03,780
І тому всі ці люди зараз мають бути як мінімум затримані на час слідства.

00:01:04,160 –> 00:01:12,820
От саме всім селом поїхати до СІЗО. Має бути слідство. І має бути відкритий суд по 411 з зразково-показовими вироками.

00:01:12,820 –> 00:01:15,900
І тоді більше, повірте, ми не побачимо таких випадків.

00:01:16,300 –> 00:01:21,800
А от якщо там зараз будуть жувати, вибачте, соплі, то ми побачимо таких випадків все більше.

00:01:22,180 –> 00:01:29,280
А потім, вибачте мене, але цивільна влада, отак як ви, розведе руками і скаже, ну армія вирішить проблему.

00:01:29,940 –> 00:01:36,000
Повірте, армія вирішить. Але мені б дуже не хотілося, щоб космач зачищали так, як зачищають ворожі території.

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